Somebody out there show me some love!

Last week introduced the new format and I have received more compliments on this design that I have ever gotten on anything I have ever done before in my life. That is more than an amazing fact. More compliments then any thing else I have done in my life. I am wondering what happened to my memory or is this a reality.

Either way, I am happy to report that whatever I am doing is working. This first week has absolutely has taken a toll on my life. There has not been one day that I have not started at 7 am in the morning and finished before 10 pm. The price we pay for getting lucky is getting more time consuming then we think it is going to be when we have this “Great Idea”.

It would be more than great if you could click on the Google and the Facebook like buttons and assist me in reaching the world in a more time efficient manner.

Update on V6

Somethings are worth waiting for, and version 6 of is one of those things.

Sure that is easy for me to say, you say, but you would be wrong. It is very hard for me to wait and I can’t wait for you to see it.

This project of love, is consuming my time. I eat, drink, and sleep version 6. And if the old adage is true, the love you put in the more love you get out, I might be the most loved man on the planet. Yeah for all of us!!!

The New Design

* Very clean

* Advance features

* Super fast

* Platinum Club

* Direct Club

* Shopping Cart

* Spectacular search engine

* New color & site layout

* FaceBook & Twitter interface

* Instant Notifaction

* 50,000 plus listings

And wait, there is more….. To be continued…..

Another Friday Evening

One would think that a man with my good looks, charm and great wealth, would have a schedule so full that he would have to juggle events just fit only a half of things he was invited to in on a Friday evening. At least, that’s what I would have thought, especially here in Las Vegas. There are so many things to do, and yet, I can’t think of a thing to do or who to do it with.

Now take a Thursday, when I have too many things to choose from that I end up working late and miss them all. That’s the way most of the weekday evenings go, but the two nights I have where I don’t have to wake up early, Nothing, nada I can hear the crickets.

The challenge for me is that I am too busy during the week to set up anything to do on the weekends. My friends all think I am a workaholic so no one calls me and at this point in time, I am between wives.

Truth be told, I am working an extreme amount of hours these days working on the redesign of my company’s web site. The effort I am putting in is really staring to show and at the is rate, I am going to be bale to present it to the public sometime in early turn of the century. At least that is the way it feels, but my design team assures me that by July 1, we will be good to go.

But that is enough of me talking about me, why don’t you talk about me for a while.

All kidding aside, if you know of something to do on a Friday or a Saturday evening invite me, I might not be the life of the party, but I clean up quite well and make a cheap date.

June 18, 2011

Good morning today is Saturday, June 18, 2010 and it is a beautiful Saturday morning here in Las Vegas.

I’m just waking up. And I am thinking about having some coffee. So I’m going to get up, and walk into the kitchen and make myself some coffee.

It’s an interesting thing, I’m actually recording this blog post using Dragon dictate and then I’m copying and pasting it into my blog. I find it’s a lot easier to talk than type. How fun is that. It even spells better than I do.

Unfortunately, today I have to go to the office and work. The new websites coming along and I have so much work to do to get it ready for the public. It really looks good to me. I have done multiple websites in the course of the last 14 years with SoundBroker and this is by far the best of them all. It is easy to use, intuitive and user-friendly.

Time to moving, More to follow…..

Update on the updated

“You can’t hurry love you just have to wait” Holland-Dozier. It seems so simple and yet so complex. I can hardly wait to introduce you to this amazingly beautiful and simple to navigate web site.

The first version of was released to the public in 1998 under the moniker, then in few weeks I was forced into creating and since then there have been numerous updates and modifications. All designed to enhance the usability and the functionality for the end users. I remember having the site up and running from concept to reality in 2 days. Those were the days. I started the design and implementation of this version in November 2010 in hopes of introducing it at NAMM in Anaheim. Will I make it in time for Infocom?

This version of not only improves the usability and the functionality, it also improves the overall aesthetics of the site. This version removes all the clutter and replaces it with a clean fresh design that provides super fast and intuitive handling for our members.

With the introduction of the Platinum Membership Buying Club, not only will you be able to navigate the site with a few simple clicks of the mouse, but you will find unbelievable savings and for the first time you will be able to link directly to the selling member without having to go through The SoundBroker staff.

I know we are almost there, maybe even be able to make the change over before the weekend.

Jan Landy is Making it Happen