Talking about mental health. Be aware of those around you. Sometimes happiness is a façade. It’s OK not to be happy all the time. But it’s not OK to be depressed all the time.
Category Archives: Personal
SoundBroker’s 70th RoundTable
RoundTable 70th 09/22/2021
The Show Must Go On: 3000+ LDI Attendees To Date Agree
French officials say the fire-damaged Cathedral of Notre-Dame is on track to reopen in 2024, just in time for the Paris Olympics.
“Britain Signals Intent to Revert to the Imperial System
The government announced plans to allow shops to sell produce in pounds and ounces, rather than using the metric system, as part of an effort to “capitalize on new Brexit freedoms.””
New York City had an estimated 45 million fewer visitors in 2020 than the year before, depriving the city of over $30 billion in spending.
Tennis ANyone?
How Big Business Grabbed Payroll Protection Funds So Fast
It amazing me that so many people have been bamboozled again. I am still waiting for my P.S. Ask me about my Avid Profiles that I have for sale.
Source: How Big Business Grabbed Payroll Protection Funds So Fast
Forced Anal Penetrator
In this episode I talk about: Earth Day, the economy, Las Vegas, and more….
Jan Landy Thinking Out Loud – An ongoing semi-comedy series in 5 minute increments about life as seen through the eyes of Jan Landy (which happens to be me)
Bullets can’t kill this virus
In this episode I talk about: Some of my take on the Corona Covid-19 virus and how being single has made it easier for me to get through these tough times.

Jan Landy Thinking Out Loud – An ongoing semi-comedy series in 5 minute increments about life as seen through the eyes of Jan Landy (which happens to be me)
If Your Flushing 15 Times, Maybe You Have Bigger Problem The Your Water Pressure
With the impeachment hearing going strong and Trump tweeting over 100 times over the weekend he has a press conference to talk about water pressure. I also tell you about Ted Cruz being a useful idiot to the Russians
Jan Landy Thinking Out Loud – An ongoing semi-comedy series in 5 minute increments about life as seen through the eyes of Jan Landy (which happens to be me)
It Must Suck To Be That Dumb

If I told you I defrauded a charity and I was found guilty, fined 2 million dollars and the university bearing my name cheated all the students out of their tuition and I was fined 25 Mil., would you elect me president?
Jan Landy Thinking Out Loud – An ongoing semi-comedy series in 5 minute increments about life as seen through the eyes of Jan Landy (which happens to be me)
I Know What It Is Liked To Be Booed
In this episode I talk about: I reminisce of the days of my comedy standup career and how I ended up being booed at the Laugh Factory and then I tie it in to public events of today.
Jan Landy Thinking Out Loud – An ongoing semi-comedy series in 5 minute increments about life as seen through the eyes of Jan Landy (which happens to be me) Published on: November 04, 2019 at 8:43 AM
What a Treat, Coconuts
Today I talk about mankind in general in relationship to nature.
Jan Landy Thinking Out Loud – An ongoing semi-comedy series in 5 minute increments about life as seen through the eyes of Jan Landy (which happens to be me)
Published on: October 24, 2019 at 9:51 AM