Born in late in the 20th Century every line that I ever came up with was already documented in movies. Oh, only to have been born in the 30’s when the line “Haven’t I seen you in a dream” would have been fresh and charming.
The interesting part of my my life is that when I ever I tell a story that actually happened to me, the person I am telling it to (unless of course that person knew me only too well) always comments “You have an amazing imagination”. Maybe so? But yet I still entertain in certain circles.
Now for the meat and potatoes about me:
Jan Landy, Founder and CEO of SoundBroker.com a membership based sales organization linking buyers and sellers together since 1997. We are THE marketplace for the buying and selling of professional audio, lighting, staging and video equipment. The SoundBroker.com website contains over 58,000 new and pre-owned equipment listings worth more than $100 million and is updated on a real time basis. Our specialty is liquidating manufacturers’ discontinued and pre-owned inventory from pro sound and lighting companies and recording studios.
And now about me in my own words:
I was born in New York City, NY and grew up in the seaside community of Far Rockaway. Far Rockaway mostly made famous as the childhood home of Woody Allen and recently by hurricane Sandy.
My first recollection of being attracted to professional audio is when I heard the Pledge of Allegiance over the public school’s public address system. I knew that one day, I would be the one to hit the play button and by the time I was in 5th grade, I did.
My prowess and overwhelming desire for all things technical pushed me into becoming the President of the Audio-Video squad from 5th grade and all the way through to 9th. In my freshman (10th) year at Far Rockaway High School, I went so far as to join the Backstage Crew of the theatre group and was proud to wear the technical overalls required for the job.
Fortunately or unfortunately, that year (1966) I discovered girls and that girls preferred jocks over geeks and musicians over all the rest, so I traded in my overalls for jeans, teeshirts, and a guitar and never stepped foot next to a mimeograph machine or a backstage light dimmer again. Ah, but I look back at those days fondly as I still have a love for women and technology.
At 17, High School was not easy for me, the classes all started to early, and I found that I enjoyed the late night partying with girls much more to my taste then a 7 am algebra class. I guess that is way today if you ask me “if a car is going 60 in one direction and a bus is going 30 in another how long would it take for them to run into each other?”‘ I wouldn’t have clue. However, I do know that whatever you say to a woman on Thursday the 6th, she will remember it and use it against you when you are arguing on Friday the 28th.
I was accepted and attended the New York Institute of Technology, Old Westbury campus, but that was very rough on me, not only was that like being in a men’s dormitory, but because I was such a flake in high school that the college classes overwhelmed me.
I went there because I wanted to design and build computers and at that time computers were really a mysterious thing that hardly anyone had any experience with, but I had a sense that they were going to be the future. It seems I was right about that, as type this blog on my iPad and posting this wirelessly on the web. I dropped out and transferred to a city college, Queensboro, where I took up an arts and leisure curriculum and specialized in women sciences. And today I find computers easy to understand and women have become mysterious.
During the earlier stages of my life, I had hundreds of jobs, if not thousands. From working in a hardware store (1964) to being on the road with Led Zeppelin (1974) as the one that rented them large screen video projection, to Director of Artist & Repertoire at RSO Record (1982) to Director of Performing Arts, City of Los Angeles Street Scene Festival (1984) to Dunn & Bradstreet (1987) to A-1 Audio (1991) to performing stand up comedy (1995).
The point that I am making, if there is a point to my life, is that when I started SoundBroker.com in 1997, finally all of the skills that I had acquired came together in one place in time and space and everything I did (despite me) worked and worked well. Although there might be others now doing what I am doing, when I started, I was the first to use the Internet to perfect my craft.
On July 16, 2011, I introduced a newly designed version of SoundBroker.com. This version is completely optimized for use of operation, featuring a super friendly user interface, so that our members can get the maximum benefits.
I live my live with a few guiding philosophies that permeate my being which I have picked up from various people over my years, which I would like to share with you.
1) To thine own self be true. Be yourself, everyone else is taken.
2) I am not here just to make a living, I am here to make a difference. And who I am makes a difference.
3) If you are not the lead dog, the view never changes.
4) Only Robinson Crusoe had all his work done by Friday.
5) A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.
6) If it is worth doing it is worth doing for money.
7) “You can’t cheat an honest man, never give a sucker an even break or smarten up a chump”. WC Fields
8) You Make It Happen!!!!!